
O'Keefegate Photographer Speaks

LotharBot2/05/2010 5:28:08 pm PST

re: #559 CarryOn

he was trying to wake the world up to what that foundation was actually founded upon…which IS aborting BLACK babies.


I have read PP materials from I think the mid-sixties that had a bit of a racist undertone to them. I know there were racists who supported PP because they wanted more black babies to be aborted. And I suspect that’s what O’Keefe was trying to allude to (as most people are completely unaware of that history.)

But it’s really dishonest to say it’s the reason PP was founded. I hate to come to the defense of Planned Parenthood, but in this case, I have to — they weren’t founded to abort black babies; that’s a pretty ridiculous and dishonest stretch.