
Overnight Open Thread

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/12/2009 7:30:07 am PDT

I think I figured out who killed Michael Jackson ⤵


Here is the reasoning: Dick Cheney had a super secret program (beyond the rendition, torture, etc) that was so secret that not even a single Congress didn’t know.

That secret program had a special agent… Michael Jackson. In fact, Michael was the twelfth such member of Cheney’s secret group, and so he went by the moniker “MJ12”.

Anyway, when Panetta found out about the program on June 23rd, he put a stop to it. But of course, he would have had to clean up all the loose ends, including possibly damaging witnesses to the CIA, etc.

Thus, Panetta had MJ12 rubbed out to hide some of the evidence.