
Always Brilliant: John Oliver Discusses the Crucial Role of the World Health Organization

Dr. Matt10/19/2020 11:03:01 am PDT

Rush Limbaugh Delivers Emotional Update on His Battle With Lung Cancer: ‘The Days Where I Do Not Think I’m Under a Death Sentence Are Over’

Limbaugh said Monday the scans showed the cancer had grown after an initial period of dormancy.

“The scans did show some progression of cancer,” Limbaugh said. “Prior that, the scans had shown that we had rendered the cancer dormant. That’s my phrase for it. We had stopped the growth. It had been reduced, and it had become manageable. But it’s always the reality, and the knowledge, that that can change and it can come back, because it is cancer. It outsmarts pretty much everything you throw at it. And this, of course, this is stage 4 lung cancer.

Good fucking riddance….