
Magical Balance Fairy comes home

danarchy2/29/2012 12:41:31 pm PST

re: #5 Obdicut

I don’t think I have ever left a 0% tip, but I have come damn close a couple times. My average is 20% and has gone over 100% for fantastic service. Hell I once had a waiter drop a bowl of chili all over my back but I still tipped 20% because he was a nice guy, apologetic and did everything he could to make it right.

But there are plenty of wait staff that are rude, dismissive, or quite frankly just don’t do there job. If I have to ask for something multiple times and don’t get it and see my waitperson just shooting the shit with the bartender, their tip goes down. Likening that to docking their pay is ridiculous, I am not their boss, I can not fire them, and other than complaining to a manager which I won’t do, It’s the best way I have to let them know I am dissatisfied. Or maybe I should tip well and then complain to their manager and possibly get them fired, would that be better?

I know if someone is consistently bad at their job they will probably get fired, I also know that everyone has bad days and quite frankly, that isn’t my problem. If I get a cranky waiter who is rude and ignores me because he had a flat tire on the way to work, his boss chewed him out and he is late on his rent payment, I feel sorry for him, but he ain’t getting a full tip.