
White Supremacists Heart Pamela Geller

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/29/2010 12:10:33 pm PDT

A thought just occurred to me. I would like some help in trying to explain this phenomena.

Ostensibly, the teabags are anti tax. They argue that they have been taxed enough already. None of the rank and file are particularly wealthy.

OK. The Obama administration got middle class tax cuts through. The vast majority of Americans actually paid fewer taxes last go round. These are just what the numbers were. I know I personally paid less.

Yet, they hate Obama…

Ostensibly, the teabags would like to see more Americans working. OK, the Obama administration and the stimulus has turned around job loss.

For those who weren’t able to find jobs yet, it has been the GOP that killed the bulk of the Jobs bill and filibustered unemployment benefit extensions. Getting money injected into the pockets of he average American - particularly those who are seeking work, is one of the most effective ways to get the economy stimulated and to prevent further breakdowns.

Yet, they hate Obama…

The question is, how can such a large group of people be so deluded as to consistently be opposed to their own best interests? How do they not notice?

Ostensibly, the teabags are all for individual liberty. Well, provided you are only praying to approved deities and have sex in an approved fashion and have the virtue of the right skin color at least.

Now I get that the average teabag is mostly driven by fear, prejudice and bad information. But, surely someone amongst them might notice that they paid less taxes. For the unemployed white trash element of them, surely some noticed that extending unemployed benefits would be helpful to them.

How is it that something that basic can be so easily missed even by them?