
Florida GOP: Still Living in the 19th Century?

Killgore Trout9/02/2011 1:51:07 pm PDT

re: #58 mattand

This is completely off-topic. My girlfriend’s parents are in the living room watching Neil Cavuto. He just had some jackass on predicting 12% unemployment by Election Day 2012. GF’s mom insists that the rate could possibly 21% by then.

I really hate Fox News. And I hope I’m not this gullible when I’m 70.

Somebody should do a study on Fox News effects on the elderly. My mom has a PHD, traveled the world as a diplomat. She was a very smart woman. She now uses words like “Obamacare” and is afraid that the president is trying to harm the country. She’s been exhibiting signs of possible dementia the past couple years, Watching Fox is not helping.