
Onion: Radical Social Security Reform Measures Proposed

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin7/28/2011 10:30:17 pm PDT

re: #584 Slumbering Behemoth

“My grandparents didn’t have to lock their doors at night. DECLINE!!”

Multiculturalism! PC! Blaaaah!!!

Most Europeans look back on the 1950s as a good time. Our homes were safe, to the point where many people did not bother to lock their doors. Public schools were generally excellent, and their problems were things like talking in class and running in the halls. Most men treated women like ladies, and most ladies devoted their time and effort to
making good homes, rearing their children well and helping their communities through volunteer work. Children grew up in two–parent households, and the mother was there to meet the child when he came home from school. Entertainment was something the whole family could enjoy.

—Race-butthurt Norwegian manifesto, page 12