
What Racism at the Tea Parties?

ejp08053/21/2010 7:16:38 pm PDT

Wow. I’m a little disappointed in this blog for taking the bait on this. When I first saw this headline on Yahoo news I thought it was an example of media bias and I still do. Why? Even if these alleged racial remarks were made by a few, is it really fair to imply that the sentiment is shared by everyone at the protest? Isn’t it obvious that the media are attempting to discredit these protesters by selectively zeroing in on a few bad apples?

We all know that there were unsavory characters at anti-war rallies during the Bush administration (burning American soldiers in effigy, for instance).
Would it have been fair at the time for newspapers to run a headline that screamed “Anti-War Protesters Burn US Soldier in Effigy?” Probably not, since those people were clearly extremists and not representative of the other protesters on the whole.

Just a thought.