
Overnight Open Thread

Walter L. Newton5/27/2010 9:50:27 am PDT

re: #558 _remembertonyc

Depending on which poll you look at, Blumenthal’s lead could be less than what the Quinnipiac poll stated. I heard about another poll where the lead was much smaller. Linda McMahon is by no means a great candidate on the Republican side, but she has $50 million of her own money to spend on the campaign. In CT, that’s a lot. If Blumenthal wins (as expected), it will be more a rejection of McMahon than an embrace of Blumenthal. But as I said, many in the state have admired the job he has done as Atty General. There is another Republican in the race (Peter Schiff), but his name recognition is far below McMahon’s. I will say this for Connecticut voters, they are not as “deep blue” as you may think. We just prefer our republicans to be of the moderate variety, not the Paul/Bachmann/Heyworth types.

Big lead, small lead, what the fucks the difference, obviously those Cn. voters that have put Blumenthal in some sort of leave don’t give two shits about supporting a lier. That’s my point. I don’t care if they were yellow with blue polka dots. Are you excusing this or something?