
Overnight Open Thread

Ward Cleaver9/01/2009 7:56:35 am PDT

re: #598 yma o hyd

Calling Gord bovine is an insult to cattle everywhere!

Yes, Dave Cameron has had Gord on the run on several occasions - but governing a country is not just about harassing Gord.

The Tories are very circumspect right now - they’ve had their policy ideas on various issues stolen by NuLab on a few occasions already. Thus, a number of people are getting a bit impatient with them - but as this month sees the last annual general aprty conferences ebfore the next election, it pays to be careful.

Some pundits now hint that Gord may perhaps even go for a snap election later this autumn - he thinks the UK economy is ‘in recovery’, and as this is only down to him, or so he says, he ought to be ‘rewarded’ with another four or five years in office, God forbid!

Just like we’re looking for another Reagan, the UK is looking for another Margaret Thatcher.