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Mad Prophet Ludwig5/03/2010 7:40:05 pm PDT

re: #584 Renaissance_Man

Always good ones. I’ll spread the stories out - one per thread should keep people from getting nauseous.

Ohh give me your worst…

The worst I ever heard from the brother and sister in law (both MDs) was that on a rotation, they had a patient come in whose bottom had been infected. I forget the name of the condition, but under her skin in the fatty layer, the entire buttocks was filled with pus.

The poor woman’s bottom was literally one giant zit.

My brother and sister in law had to spend something like an hour draining and flushing it out.

Of course this was anaerobic bacteria, so the smell, which my brother described as something so terrible that he will never forget it (at which point he and his wife debated if it was worse than the stench of amoebic dysentery) ended up clearing the ER.

The other case was a morbily obese woman who was about 5’4 and over 500 lbs. She had used a feminine hygiene product and lost it.

It took for orderlys to hold bits of her back sufficiently for the brother to go in there and find it.