
Matthews to Bachmann: 'Are You Hypnotized?'

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]11/03/2010 7:33:39 pm PDT

re: #603 alexknyc

No worries on this end.

Have you ever thought about teaching? Your experiences and passion for kids that others may have misunderstood and given up on would serve you well in a school setting.

I would only ever be qualified to teach art. I’m too involved with nerd counterculture art for it to really be practical to work with kids in an institutional setting in the classroom, it’d probably take a smart kid with google about ten seconds to dig up something I’ve drawn that I would not want spread around on facebook ;-) It seems honestly terriifying to be a teacher in the internet age, kids are so good at digging stuff up on the internet, you’d have to construct concentric circles of anonyimity to have any kind of internet privacy when you have a classroom

In some ways, I sorta do a little teaching just because there’s a lot of people in my community of artists who are learning and want help learning techniques or learning the right habits for learning how to draw. And then of course, I pester people who do arty things better than me for their help (making costumes that light up, are durable, and are well engineered to stand 110 degree heat is hard) But that’s all like forum posts and redlining (correcting) bad anatomy for online critiques and getting together at conventions to do art demos, it’s not really the same thing.

I’d love to run a figure drawing session, like for a local drawing academy or a free studio session, something without a whole lot of structure. Or lessons, like I took guitar lessons or drum lessons. That would be a thing I would probably at least be mediocre at ;-)

Again, sorry about all that, I’m sorta having a bit of a week and I was already wound up by other posts on this thread and then I just went BLURRRGH