
News to Make Creationists' Heads Explode

HelloDare5/06/2009 9:17:32 pm PDT

re: #578 dwells38

I couldn’t tell if that was a concentration camp or just squalor. You know like….no faith gets you squalor? But if he meant no faith gets you concentration camps that’s pretty low down.

re: #598 HelloDare

That’s exactly what he meant.

re: #604 Ojoe

My comment has nothing to do with science.

My comment 598 was in reply to comment 578.

Your earlier post 480 was in response to post 415 which was about religion vs. reason and logic.

So when you said “Faith gets you this, No faith gets you this” I thought you were talking about faith vs. reason and logic (science). That’s why I asked if you were going down the Ben Stein road.

Since the Wedge Document proves that creationism is about getting religion in schools and not about science, I hope you can see why I asked the question.