
Arizona Birther Bill is 'Set Aside'

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/29/2010 8:48:10 pm PDT

AL Gubernatorial Candidate Tim James Calls His English-Only Ad ‘Just Common Sense’

[James] defined his “brand” as “common sense,” and declared it a “roadway safety issue” rather than an immigration one. He also expressed support for all kinds of immigrants– from Ireland, Russia, Germany, etc. Williams defined his ad as “pandering” to xenophobia and possibly detrimental to the Alabama economy. James responded, in his colorful way, that Williams’ take was “the biggest argument I’ve never heard more nonsense in my life.”

Between the Arizonans and their laws, my own Congressman (Hunter) with his statement about wanting to deport children born in this country, and this guy James and his “roadway safety” bullcrap… I’d say the GOP has had a rousingly good xenophobic week, eh?