
Punkin' the Nirthers

irish rose8/06/2009 6:56:32 pm PDT

Apologies if the link to this has already been posted, but good freaking grief!

New England Town Offers Retirees Work to Pay Off Property Taxes

Like many seniors, Arlene and “Murch” Murchison live on a fixed income.

They face a roughly $1,400 annual tax bill, but this year will be different thanks to an innovative new program that allows older residents in the city of Saco, Maine to work off a portion of their tax burden instead of paying out of pocket.

Twenty residents have been accepted so far, trading a variety of odd jobs and services for tax relief. Arlene is assigned as a greeter at Saco’s new train station. Her husband tags along for the ride — a two for one deal.

Participants must be at least 60 years old and make under $60,000.

Wouldn’t it be better to just give poor low-income seniors a damned tax break?

A city coercing it’s poor, low-income seniors who are worried about rising property taxes to work off their tax debt with hard labor… how “innovative”. Too bad there’s a caveat:

The abatement is capped at $750 per household.

Gag. Me.