
Anti-Choice Crusader Lila Rose: Planned Parenthood Is in League With Satan

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam5/08/2012 8:34:51 pm PDT

I don’t much about Lila, so I resorted to Wikipedia to learn more. A few observations:

She’s really good looking. (Not especially relevant to my comments below, but worth noting.)
She was home schooled through high school.
She’s a “devout Catholic.”
Her dad (or mom, the entry is not clear) is/was an engineer at Sun Micro.

Now, there is home schooling that is really very good. Having a taught a few students in high school who were home schooled until 9th grade, most if not all were exceptionally articulate and thoughtful students. Their greatest weakness was typically in science and math. Then, there is home schooling that is narrow, one-sided and somewhat divorced from reality. It may or may not be the result of overly religious parents. “New age” types can be just as didactic and narrow-minded as Christers.

Devout Catholics can range from the likes of Thomas Merton to that of Rick “Opus Dei” Santorum. We can guess where Lila lies on that spectrum.

I’m the father and future father-in-law of two engineers, so don’t jump all over me for this next remark. Some engineers have some pretty wacko ideas about how the world works, as in totally wrong. I wonder if, given Lila’s schooling and religious bent, her parent(s) inculcated some weird ideas about the world in little Lila’s head as she grew up. Maybe they were End Time people, whose entire worldview seems based on the Book of Revelation and the ongoing struggle between the forces of Satan and the forces of God.

Or maybe Lila is just nuts.

Or maybe Lila is scamming all of us.