
Inadvertent Wingnut Humor Site of the Day: Conservative Fact Check

philosophus invidius11/25/2012 4:57:41 pm PST

Here’s a longer version:

Liberal apologists try to make the following points:

*Gas prices today are lower than they were for most of 2008.
*When factoring for inflation and pricing trends, gas prices are quite good — if it weren’t for the historic price drop over the three months before inauguration day, pricing actually beats the trend set by the Bush administration.

But none of that makes a difference — they’re wrong. Technically speaking, gas prices are higher today than they were on inauguration day. Forget trends, forget inflation — that’s what matters. Just point them to the weeks surrounding inauguration day. Nobody’s claiming that gas prices are bad today compared to most of the previous administration… when arguing with your liberal friends, don’t let them change the goalposts.

You see what he’s doing there?