
Overnight Open Thread

Kosh's Shadow5/13/2009 7:51:29 am PDT

re: #576 SixDegrees

Maybe. More likely, though, it would simply be added to existing cafe plans, which still allow choice and leave the amount of additional payment up to the employee.

It may wind up cutting the bottom out of such plans and reducing the employer-provided contribution, however.

What will happen is the same thing when HMOs replaced indemnity plans.
The HMOs were cheaper, so people who were healthy went there; the people with health problems didn’t want to change doctors or systems, so they stayed. The indemnity plans had no pool of healthy people to spread the risk on, so they got so expensive no one could afford them and everyone ended up in HMOs and PPOs.

Same thing here. People who don’t need much medical care will go to the cheapest plan (the government one), and the private plans will get more and more expensive until no one can afford them.
Viola - national health care, without forcing anyone.
Evil plan.