
"Blue Tarp" Guy Killed; Ryan Bundy, Ammon Bundy, Jon Ritzheimer, Pete Santilli Arrested

2024 Blue Wisconsin1/27/2016 9:05:35 am PST

How many counties in the US do not have a healthy population of sovereign citizens or tacticool, Red Dawn-weaned nutters who hate Obama, liberals, and the direction U.S. history is moving in?

In my experience, most of America’s 3100+ counties have, especially the rural ones. But let’s be generous and say only 25% of counties have a single person who fits that description and completely hates what they think America has become. Let’s be generous again and say that of those people, only 10% are angry or unhinged enough to act out.

That would still be more than 75 people.

5%? 38 people.

1%? 8 people.

The potential for follow-up violence from this situation is very real.