
Sekrit Counter-Jihad Summit Held

Dark_Falcon5/24/2009 7:59:21 pm PDT

re: #604 Cognito

I know I’ll be accused of rudeness for saying so, but I’m sorry. I really don’t think it’s right — or, in this context, even fair — to level untrue charges.

So even though I don’t feel like doing it, you’re forcing me to lay out my personal beliefs here. Very well. Here goes:

I believe in creation in the sense that I believe in God. I believe in an afterlife, and by extension, a before-life, so to speak. Simultaneously, I believe in the power of proof. In the value of evidence. And the evidence points toward evolution, as the manner in which you and I arrived here, using our lovely opposable thumbs to tap the space bars on our respective keyboards.

For some people those view may feel contradictory. For me they don’t. As I mentioned a few posts ago, I keep separate in my mind the two questions of origin and method. Likewise science and religion. Issues I’ve blathered on about at some length here.

If I correctly understand the meaning of creationist as you’re using it, I don’t believe I fit the definition. Perhaps I’m wrong.

There you have it.

That works for me. I consider that answer satisfactory.