
Pawlenty Jumps Aboard the Nut Wagon

tradewind9/04/2009 9:08:09 pm PDT

re: #537 DrNaughty
Give credit where it’s due.

He’s managed to completely misunderestimate the unemployment rate , having affirmed that if we pass his stimulus bill, unemployment would not exceed 8.5 percent.
He’s whipped our Euro allies into shape so well that they bow five times towards Libya and release the bomber who blew American students out of the sky.
He’s calmed the Norks to the point that they’re fast-tracking their plutonium enrichment yet again.
And he’s managed to show the nation that he had no clue as to what ’ his ’ healthcare reform bill contained.
He’s managed to increase the projected deficit in six months at a rate faster and to an amount greater than the Bush administration did in four years.
And he’s credited with focusing the attention of a nation for almost a week on a truly historic breakthrough in diplomacy: the first Beer Summit.