
Overnight Hope-a-Dope

Golem Akbar2/02/2009 7:24:41 am PST

re: #599 karmic_inquisitor

Fellow Americans -the time has come.

The time has come for the few on the very top learn to share their excessive wealth with those who help keep them on the top. The time has come for the few that are assured 7 figure checks for just a few months of effort share that with people who have to work second and third jobs earning minimum wage to keep their families fed. The time has come for the top executives of this industry to stop getting big bonuses even when the company is losing money and the industry is shedding jobs. The time has come for this industry to stop exporting jobs to far off remote locations all to save money as they damage the environment irreparably.

Yes - it is time to socialize the entertainment industry.

Speaking of which (I know you jest), the entertainment industry loves to criticize the outsourcing of jobs to India and places outside the US, yet more and more filming is being done in Canada and other spots outside of Hollywood. Business is fleeing California rapidly, for places with lower taxes to pay, lower overhead (i.e. less unionization of workers). Cognitive dissonance.