
The Arc of a Conspiracy Theory

Racer X6/19/2010 9:26:56 pm PDT

Friday Night Blue Collar Brew Review -
Sierra Nevada Summerfest Lager


The malt sweetness of this beer as stated on the neck label was there in force, but spicy it was not. As the sips went on the swallows became crisper and the exhales started to give me hints of floral. It didn’t exactly remind me of funeral flowers but there was something there. Now all we needed was a little umbrella… disguised as a Samurai sword. I must say that once I picked up on the floral hints, they were in every sip thereafter. Not overwhelming. But kinda… nice.

By the end of the first glass, that crispness at the swallow became more and more apparent. Now this is enjoyment! Crisp and florals. But I couldn’t get over how smooth and light this beer was, while still tasting like a full-blown brewski. I now understood why the Sierra Nevada folks gave this beer its Summerfest name. With an ABV of 5% flat, this is one of those nice, summer coolers that could be imbibed almost endlessly as long as there are replacements in the cooler.

This is not a lawnmower beer. But it could be. I could see slammin’ a coupla two-three after some laps around the yard, but the beer has more taste and more flavor than a slammer. This is a beer for a lazy summer afternoon while you watch the sun descend and the moon and mosquitoes come out. It could be a great after work unwind beer. A couple before supper will put you in the right frame of mind to enjoy the reruns on TV, if you are so inclined.

This Summerfest Lager is another bullseye in the great tasting seasonal selections for this time of year and a great brew from Sierra Nevada. Mild and flavorful, it can be a go-to-brew for quenching a thirst. For easy sipping or hard gulping, this beer will make you smile. Just make sure you have plenty on hand. Your PBR loving buddies will love this beer. Just remind them to use a bottle opener.