
AP: Steve Jobs Resigning from Apple

makeitstop8/25/2011 8:22:22 am PDT

Steve Chabot tries on a tin-foil hat

After Ohio constituents, angry about votes to strip funding for Planned Parenthood and continue tax breaks for the wealthy, gave Rep. Steve Chabot (R-OH) an earful at a town hall Monday, the Cincinnati Republican laid blame for the uproar on a peculiar target: ThinkProgress.

Rep. Steve Chabot (R-Ohio) faced angry protesters at a town-hall meeting in Avondale, Ohio, on Monday. He said Think Progress, the liberal political advocacy group, organized the protest.

Even Judson Phillips called him out on the confiscation of cameras during the meeting. I can’t get over how tone-deaf (or just deaf) these Republicans are toward their constituents.