
Scott Brown's Tea Party Honeymoon is Over

Gus2/22/2010 9:24:22 pm PST

re: #605 SanFranciscoZionist

No, it’s not Bush’s fault that the Iranians are building nukes, and you have not been paying attention to much I say around here if you think I blame Bush reflexively. However, it’s not Obama’s fault either, and it’s a damn dicey situation. This has been going on for a while, and we do not have a real good solution yet.

However, the less rational disadmirers of the President translate Obama’s failure to come up with a magic solution to ‘not understanding evil’, which is arrogant bullshit.

Everyone had been expecting a military strike upon the Iranian nuclear installation in the closing days of the Bush administration. This never occurred. Here’s my one word answer that describes the biggest stumbling block to any kind of military action:
