
Overnight Open Thread

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion8/12/2009 11:39:02 pm PDT

re: #13 Floral Giraffe

Having just spent a week, in your stomping grounds of SF general area, I tip my hat in your general direction. I could NOT live here. It’s beautiful, but , DANG! the people. Keep up the good work, Zombie, and please receive my thanks for what you do.

Quite a few people I know have either recently, are currently, or in the near future, plan to move to San Francisco (not just the “Bay Area” but SF City itself). Taking the moonbat concentration out of the equation for a second, I cant see why anyone thinks moving from a city not in the Top 10 least affordable, to the one that is #2 in the country, in this economy… when they aren’t independently wealthy… is a good idea. I just cant.

They all range from slightly lefty to flaming moonbat… is there a moonbat magnet in the town that overcomes their income?