
Mubarak Statement Expected Soon

sagehen2/10/2011 4:11:47 pm PST

re: #581 Obdicut

To call Jews of the time period religious zealots is a little odd. They were certainly no more ‘zealous’ than the Romans were, and the revolt was not on religious grounds per se, but about living conditions— including their religion, but not because of their religion. “A good life” for Jews of the time period would certainly include being able to worship properly. I don’t think it’s a sign of religious zealotry to revolt in order to have the freedom to practice one’s religion.


There was one faction that was absolutely zealots. You remember, the ones who called themselves Zealots, that’s where the word comes from…. (the Masada crew).

But that wasn’t about religion I don’t think, it was about not being enslaved, families split up and taken away in chains.