
Teabonics Sign of the Day

TheMatrix314/18/2010 3:38:11 pm PDT

re: #612 WindUpBird

yeah, and if you were actually paying attention you would also note that all the weak-sauce ties that the talking point drones bring up have been debunked over and over again. You bring ‘em up, we knock ‘em down. Repeat forever. The rich pageantry continues.

I’m noticing Charles is NOT indicting Obama for his ties to Farrakhan that don’t exist. I’m noticing Charles shoots down the talking pointimplications that he’s got all these sekrit ties to ACORN. I’m noticing charles shoots down the bullshit about how Obama’s secretly some cryptoradical.

But get on with your tribalism. For the record, I think you’re not a racist, just simply someone who won’t be moved by facts, who is invested in rooting for your GOP team the way one roots for a basketball team or a football team. You’re one of the most reliable talking point stenographers we have here.

Cool. Now I can sleep knowing that you don’t think I’m a racist. That was really bugging me there, being confused and all that. Good to know you can clarify my feelings for me. I’m glad you’re an expert at detecting such feelings.