
Rand Paul Compares US to the Fall of the Roman Empire

lostlakehiker7/02/2010 3:08:07 pm PDT

re: #579 goddamnedfrank

It doesn’t have to be true, you just have to be willing to say it:

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=—=-=-=-=-=-U.S. Canada
Life Expectancy (Male)-=-=-=-=-=-=74.8 77.4
Life Expectancy (Female)-=-=-=-=-= 80.1 82.4
Infant Mortality/1000 live births=-=-=6.8 5.3
Obesity Rate (Male)-=-=-=-=-=—=-31.1 17.0
Obesity Rate (Female) -=-=-=-=-=-=32.2 19.0
HC spending as % of GDP (2005)-=-=16.0% 10.4%

I’m trying to figure out if you really believe what you’re saying, or if you just throw deliberate lies out to see what will stick?

Is it because of their health care system that Canadians are slimmer? Is it because our own doctors do not advise us on what a healthy weight is?

Life expectancy depends on many things outside the health care system. Bad eating habits, drinking habits, or driving habits play a part. And what about people who die in gunfights? They had a bad doctor?

I’m not arguing that Canada has a lousy health care system. But these sorts of statistics only go to prove that Canadians are, for some reason, healthier than Yanquis. The difference could well lie in our taste for fast women, fast cars, fast food, and hard likker, rather than being a mirror of our different health care systems.

Perhaps somebody has done a study comparing Seattle to Vancouver. That might be more instructive.