
Monday Afternoon Open

_RememberTonyC1/19/2009 4:13:06 pm PST

I know I’ll get shit for this post … but whatever … here goes:

1. I don’t believe politicians, so I never believed even half of Obama’s campaign promises. Thus, I feel he is capable of “flip flopping” in a good way. That dude is smart. And he has NOT surrounded himself with all leftist nuts. He has a few, but I see them as marginal influences, not his true soulmates.

2. If I’m right about #1, he could end up surprising many of us and becoming a credible and charismatic leader. Many act as if he is plotting to become President For Life, but he is here for 4-8 years. That ain’t changing. I know a few people that are close to Obama and they are sports people, not political types. He gets good grades in the “gut level” smarts department. He has earned at least 4 years, even though I voted for McCain. If he does a good job on the areas I find most important, I may vote for Obama in 2012.

3. This country is stumbling right now, but far from “on its ass.” Obama seems to be keeping the far left at arm’s length, and that is a good sign. He had Tiger Woods praising the military on TV yesterday … another good sign. So I will give him a chance. And if he does stuff that is wrong, I will rip him a new one. But I want him to be a good president. And no matter what happens, he will never be worse than jimmy carter … and we survived that!