
Forensic Experts: It Was Not George Zimmerman Crying for Help

Lidane3/31/2012 10:21:33 pm PDT

re: #625 Buck

I don’t think anyone says he had life threatening injuries. Only that he thought his life was in danger when his gun was exposed and he was threatened.

His brother is on record saying that if his head had been slammed into the concrete a few more times, he would have been relegated to a life of diapers and being spoonfed.

There is simply no way in hell that Zimmerman was injured anywhere close to that level. If he had been, he sure as fuck wouldn’t have been in the police station less than an hour after his supposed epic fight to the death. He would have been in the ER.

There is a difference. You don’t actually have to sustain life threatening injuries before you fear for your life.

I’ll believe that Zimmerman was in fear for his life when Trayvon Martin comes back from the dead and says that he threatened Zimmerman. Nothing that has been shown so far suggests that there was any sort of life threatening fight.