
The GOP's Hostage Strategy

ReamWorks SKG7/20/2011 7:08:33 am PDT

re: #624 darthstar

This is just a stunt, of course. The balanced budget amendment has as much chance of being ratified as the “flag desecration” amendments did. (And I’m glad these didn’t pass! I wouldn’t have been able to eat my cake Image: 5904135602_146761c4c7_z.jpg )

What bothers me more is bipartisan support for means-testing Social Security. Sure, go ahead and raise the age. We’re living longer. But to deny a “benefit” to people who have been responsible enough to plan for an income during their retirement years is very disturbing.

….especially if combined with schemes to uncap the SS tax limit.

As someone who’s been paying the maximum into the SS system since 1983, and who may never see a penny of it (while his taxes continue to rise) I’m angry. Both Boehner and Obama are pushing for this. (And it’s compounded by the fact that, as a partner in a same-sex marriage, I will not get any social security survivor benefit because the Federal Government won’t recognize my legal CA marriage.)