
Monday Night Jam: Los Lobos, "La Venganza De Los Pelados"

Teukka7/29/2014 4:06:05 am PDT

TPGOP, Hungarian style:

Orban Says He Seeks to End Liberal Democracy in Hungary:

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said he wants to abandon liberal democracy in favor of an “illiberal state,” citing Russia and Turkey as examples.
“I don’t think that our European Union membership precludes us from building an illiberal new state based on national foundations,” Orban said, according to the video of his speech on the government’s website. He listed Russia, Turkey and China as examples of “successful” nations, “none of which is liberal and some of which aren’t even democracies.”

How long before the Y’all Qaeda and the Tealiban begin trying for that in the US?