
Overnight Podcast: The Bob & Chez Show, 6/16/15

BeachDem6/16/2015 9:58:26 pm PDT

re: #57 allegro

Oh holy hell, I woulda been standing out in that courtyard for days waiting for that answer. LOL Sorry about missing the pizza and wine party though.

A lot of wine was had over the weekend just out of frustration. I had to give up on my neighbors, as whenever I said “Time Warner” they just shrugged their shoulders and went inside.

Crap—my Hillary intern is now coming THIS Sunday instead of next—I have to really get serious about cleaning my place, and it’s so damn hot, I don’t know if I can handle it. But I’m looking forward to hosting, as I describe it “the granddaughter I never had.” (at first I said “daughter,” but then realized, holy fuck, I’m really old and she would be the right age for a granddaughter.)