
Alex Jones Is Helping Stephen Colbert Re-Find His Comedy Groove, and It's a Beautiful Thing

majii4/22/2017 9:50:03 pm PDT

re: #61 Targetpractice

“Seems somebody’s having deep regrets:”

I just tweeted about this article, I was sure to include the hashtag, #ComeyTheRatfucker, because that is exactly who and what he is. He knew the FBI was investigating Trump at the same time it was investigating HRC’s emails, but he took it upon himself to only inform Congress that he was “reopening” HRC’s email investigation, which turned out to be a huge nothingburger, so yes, he’s a ratfucker and he ratfucked us, our nation, and the world. You can see how angry I am about this article because I’m forgetting that my mom always told me to act like a lady and watch what I say. But, with this, all bets are OFF.