
Trump Bashes Our British Allies for Being Weak on Terrorism Before Attack Is Even Confirmed (Again)

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷9/15/2017 12:57:20 pm PDT

re: #56 Dr Lizardo

That’s not even remotely constitutional.

Why not? And even if it could be demonstrated in a court it was not, it would take years of wrangling (and lots of your tax dollars) to get it to the Supreme Court.

In the meantime, all those pesky people protesting against Republican policies could conceivably be stripped of their citizenship and deported.

Same goes for all the so-called “anchor babies” (or in the case of Steve King [R-acist], anchor grand-babies like me) that conservatives have been railing against since Saint Ronald of Reagan ran.

There are many millions of people who would be just fine with this.