
Kook-Fishing with Barrett Brown

Gus10/26/2009 6:39:02 pm PDT

re: #59 Thanos

Yes he also seems to have a beef with the Department of Energy over public schools for some reason.

Yeah, I noticed that. DOE is Department of Energy. Found this new over there by TFMo:

October 17, 2009
One Nation, Slightly Used

We on the Right warned that the election of socialist Barack Obama would lead to the end of US sovereignty, and the Left laughed and poo-poo’ed our concerns.

Well, guess what?

From the lovely Pam Geller: ACTION ALERT: Obama to Cede US Sovereignty in December

And from Drusilla Barron: Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty in Copenhagen, claims British Lord Monckton

And this is what the Communist In Chief will be signing: UNFCCC


Mr. Gingrich, you have cast your lot with the anti-American, anti-Constitution criminal scum. You are no Conservative, sir, you are a fair-weather moderate appeaser. For me, this is the final blow to what shreds of credibility you had.
