
Judge Napolitano on the Alex Jones Show Again

RogueOne11/11/2009 2:30:04 pm PST

“It’s really a ‘pick your poison’. It’s all part of the same big government mentality. Your kind comments about the piece I wrote from a monologue I gave while filling in for Glenn Beck … in which I argued that we don’t have a two party system in this country, we have a one party. One party called the ‘big government’ party. The republican branch likes war, and deficits, and assaulting our civil liberties and the democrat branch likes wealth transfers, and taxes, and assaulting our commercial liberties but the mindset is the same. ‘to heck with the constitution, the heck with the bill of rights, the heck with inalienable rights, the heck with even the laws that we right, we know what’s better for you then you know is good for yourself and we’ll tell you how to behave or else.”

Am I the only way who basically agrees with this statement? I completely disagree with his stance on military matters and really most foreign policy arguments, but the rest of it is spot on.