
GOP Congressional Candidate Pamela Gorman Really Likes Guns

webevintage6/29/2010 4:16:28 pm PDT

re: #46 Charles

Get ready for the next wingnut victimhood story:


I’m not even going to investigate this one, because I’m certain there’s more to it than Fox News is reporting.

Of course the comments are what you would expect, but this one is odd:
“Until last week, I didn’t have a problem with the Pledge. However last week I discovered that the Pledge was created by the progressives in the Wilson administration in order to create a stronger backing of the people for the unconstitutional actions of the Wilson administration. I still love this country but is it the right thing to do to repeat something the progressives created? It also answers another question I have had from the time I was a kid. The bible states that one should not put country above God, but that is exactly what the Pledge is doing. It seems the Pledge may have been intended to make country the God.”

Could that be something they learned from Beck?