
Conservatives Waking Up to Global Warming?

DaddyG8/25/2010 12:54:13 pm PDT

re: #43 ralphieboy

You mean they would accept it in theory if those liberals just stopped putting forward proposals to combat it?

Of course, the Free Market (TM) will solve this the same efficient way it solved the financial crisis and the Gulf oil spill…

I did not say that. There are many proposals to combat it that aren’t so politically charged as creating a new market with a liscense to pollute. Some very capitalist and conservative folks I know are all for biofuels from brown sources (food oils) and non food crops. Conservation through better transportation and construction is also a very attractive idea to captalists. In that sense the market will support a greener lifestyle.

If you make the issue a political football all parties are less inclined to use the science as a good foundation for progress and more inclined to discount the scientific results. I deal with the pheonomenon all the time when giving data feedback to organizations. If you gore their ox (pun intended) they will start to look for flaws in the data. If you give them solutions, point out areas for improvement and assist them to get to the next level they will accept it much more readlily.