
Pro-Mubarak Goons Attack Protesters

lostlakehiker2/02/2011 10:05:16 am PST

re: #47 mikefromArlington

Wonder if Mubarack is being encouraged by Isreal and the Neo-Cons here in America to crush the rebellion.

Oh, yeah. That’s so likely. First, why would Israel [not “Isreal”] encourage Mubarak to attempt something he probably can’t achieve? Second, why would Israel imagine that Mubarak would think that they’re giving good advice he should follow? Third, why would “Neo-cons” here in the U.S. have any audience with Mubarak? If he listened to anybody in the U.S. it would be our government, not some out-of-power sideshow.

So, I’ll translate your “question”.

[The Jews are behind it. They always are, because they’re the secret cause of everything.]

Bah! No, they aren’t. This is scary for Israel, but it’s beyond her reach to meddle. Everybody’s standing waaay back, trying to not get burned.