
SPLC: Family Research Council License-to-Kill Claim 'Outrageous'

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus8/16/2012 5:16:19 pm PDT

I’m drifting off topic… but since we’re covering hypocrisy and people not owning up to what they really believe:

Vouchers give parents freedom

There is just one problem with the Interfaith Alliance president’s charge that Gov. Bobby Jindal’s school voucher program is “a blatant attack on the religious freedom clauses in the United States Constitution” (“Minister criticizes Jindal on vouchers,” Aug. 7, The News-Star). And the problem for the Rev. C. Welton Gaddy’s reasoning is the United States Supreme Court ruled 10 years ago that vouchers don’t violate the First Amendment bar against an establishment of religion so long as parents have a range of choice among secular and religious schools.

In short, the vouchers constitute aid to parents in choosing the kind of education they want for their children. They are about expanding freedom, not restricting it. The scholarships don’t take sides in evolution versus creationism or any other debate.

The Jindal program trusts parents to make their own decisions about what teaching methods, values and world views they want to be front and center where their children go to school.

Robert Holland
Senior Fellow for education policy, The Heartland Institute

While most here identify (rightly) The Heartland Institute with malicious climate-change denialism, they have long been part of the right wing reactionary industry.