
Mitt Romney's Strategist: We'd Have Won, Except for That Pesky 47%

Dark_Falcon11/28/2012 4:33:28 pm PST

After the Crack-Up
By Lee Habeeb & Mike Leven

It’s been weeks since our “surprise” loss on November 6. The conservative crack-up began in real time, as we watched Karl Rove, la Captain Queeg, insist that his employer, Fox News, was calling Ohio, and the election, for President Obama prematurely.

Then came the fingerpointing, and the conjecture. Our pundits covered every scenario. We were too conservative. We weren’t conservative enough. The social issues killed us. We didn’t hit the social issues hard enough. We had a candidate problem. A woman problem. A Hispanic problem. It will continue for months, this self-abuse masquerading as self-examination. And liberals will eat it up, watching us wallow in self-doubt.

But if there is one thing conservatives can agree on post-election, it’s this: The dominance of the Left in the storytelling arena is making a difference at the polls. It’s impossible to measure, but anyone who doesn’t think it skews outcomes is living in an alternative universe.
