
Overnight Hope-a-Dope

J.S.1/30/2009 6:31:31 am PST

Yesterday (I was listening to CNN so you don’t have to), and there was a repeated “report” about “Obama’s outrage.” (Yeah, sure — call me cynical, but I don’t really believe Obama has the capacity to “get outraged” about anything — unless of course it has a political spin to it. In other words, I suspect any “outrage” is an act, a performance, and it’s designed to gain something politically.) Ok, so Obama was “outraged” and it was claimed that he was “outraged” after reading an article about CEOs bonuses. Obama then focused his attention on “bankers”. (more precisely, “wall street bankers” — does that sound familiar to anyone?) Anyway, these wall street bankers had supposedly given themselves 20 billion in bonuses, and Obami alleges that this is the “height of irresponsibility.”

Then, Blitzer comes on (that’s Obama’s Lackey) who then started to speculate about growing public outrage. Blitzer stated: “A lot of Americans are outraged that the taxpayers are being played for suckers.” (or is this being stage-managed by a complicit media?) Then, Gergen is brought on. Gergen’s take? Gergen claimed that this is all a prelude (given the “public’s outrage”) for the “possible nationalization of banks.” Yeah, all right. So now we get to the heart of the matter…and it’s that Obami’s wanting to nationalize American banks, and he needs an excuse to do so…(imagine a Chicago-style corrupt political machine having control over Banks — hey, now that sounds just sooo wonderful in an Obama world….doesn’t it?)