
Overnight Open Thread

Soona'5/10/2009 8:35:05 am PDT

re: #609 SixDegrees

Legal rat’s nest that would possibly create more problems than it solves. By definition, a POW attains that status through a formal declaration of war which is levied by Congress against a sovereign state or collection of such states. There simply isn’t any current legal status defined that fits the current situation, which is a struggle against an ideology with no definite location.

Waiving the restriction on deporting them to their home countries if those countries seems like a better route to follow. After all, none I’m aware of is claiming they left those countries out of fear of torture; and it’s difficult to see how US imprisonment would create such a possibility.

A third possibility is to find some other country willing to accept them. So far, no luck at all on that front. But I suspect 0’s trip back to Germany is an attempt to drum up support for that option, along with a commitment for more troops in Afghanistan. I suspect such attempts are a waste of time, myself, but 0 needs to learn that form himself, perhaps.

I hope that national and international legalities hold all of this up until 2012 so that we can vote in a prez that loves this country. After that, try the terrorist bastards and execute them here. We have just as much right to have them dead as anyone else.