
Obama Laughs Too Much, Kroft Asks: 'Are You Punch-Drunk?'

Jetpilot11013/22/2009 6:33:46 pm PDT

re: #593 itellu3times

I should play some trends like that, me and the Bollinger Band are such great frends, …

Its somewhat nerve racking and not for the faint of heart. Don’t play with the mortgage payment but otherwise, have fun and make money. The mortgage defaults were the first wave of the credit crisis. There are rumblings on the horizon that credit card debt and unsecured loans are next. When the default rates on credit cards and unsecured debt begin to mount, watch the financial fires burn. We are in a world of hurt right now and it’s just getting warmed up. The financial crisis is far from over no matter what the MFMSM says.