
Overnight Open Thread

realwest7/12/2009 7:41:03 am PDT

re: #584 apachegunner
Hey Guns! How are you doing today? Uh, I’d strongly suggest you avoid giving to the United Way - they spend one of, if not the highest percentage of revenue to expenses of any organization around. Red Cross (National) is another - when Liz Dole was Red Cross’ president, her salary was $500,000 a year. To run a charity.
She said in a news conference I attended that she simply gave that salary back to the Red Cross but that’s NOT what the Red Cross’ accounting books showed. She kept the half a million a year AND had travel expense money like crazy.
SixthDegree - or someone else above had it right: if a charity is spending more than 10% on “administrative costs” you ought to look into what counts as Administrative costs (if rent, for example, seems high, see who the Landlord is and if the Landlord or the Landlord’s spouse is on the board of directors of the charity, RUN the other way). Some can run up to 30% or so, but any charity that has an 80% administrative cost is ripping someone off, I guarantee it.