
Chimp of the Day

jcm4/18/2009 7:33:18 am PDT

re: #622 3 wood

Those stereotypes though are the conditions they have to assume exist for their own views to make sense.

For example, income redistribution from “the rich” makes sense only if you assume there is no way for those with less to improve their situation via hard work and effort and “the rich” have an endless supply of wealth.

Redistribution is based on the fundamentally flawed notion of zero sum. (Total wealth in the World is fixed and finite). When you make that flawed assumption, it’s easy to make the supposition that because A has wealth, A deprives B of wealth. When that is accepted it’s easy to make the moral argument that it is “right” therefore to take wealth from A and give it to B.

The whole leftist economic model is based on a flawed assumption, and will collapse when too much weight is put on it.