
Jim Hoft (Gateway Pundit) Staged the Carnahan Coffin Stunt

gegenkritik3/25/2010 8:37:30 am PDT

re: #603 sattv4u2
Actually, you insisted that Mandy used the “Calvin pisses on Allah”-Avatar in a different context than Allah being the word for the Muslim-God.

When I asked you to explain the context (because it seems very unlikely to me that Mandy as a Christian would use “Allah” in the same way Arabic Christians do), you countered with your wise “STRIKE!”, “ad hominem!” -arguments.
But it’s good to see that you actually know some latin-phrases, though I doubt you ever read Schopenhauer Eristische Dialektik, for example.

Anyway, I’ll give up. You are to clever for me. Deal?