
Europe Considers Welcoming 60 Gitmo Detainees

lawhawk1/25/2009 10:08:37 am PST

re: #52

And for those who think that the standard criminal justice system is up to the task, a convicted terrorist who had a 30 year sentence handed down in 1993, is now getting released February 19, 2009 - on good behavior. He had plotted to blow up a bunch of Israeli-related buildings in NYC.

In 1973, a young terrorist named Khalid Duhham Al-Jawary entered the United States and quickly began plotting an audacious attack in New York City.

He built three powerful bombs — bombs powerful enough to kill, maim and destroy — and put them in rental cars scattered around town, near Israeli targets.

The plot failed. The explosive devices did not detonate, and Al-Jawary fled the country, escaping prosecution for nearly two decades — until he was convicted of terrorism charges in Brooklyn and sentenced to 30 years in federal penitentiary.

But his time is up.

In less than a month, the 63-year-old Al-Jawary is expected to be released. He will likely be deported; where to is anybody’s guess. The shadowy figure had so many aliases it’s almost impossible to know which country is his true homeland.

Al-Jawary has never admitted his dark past or offered up tidbits in exchange for his release. Much of Al-Jawary’s life remains a mystery — even to the dogged FBI case agent who tracked him down.

What are the chances he goes back to his terror ways? 50/50? I fully expect to be hearing from him again.